Vidyarambha 2022

Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth (CVV) celebrated the incoming of the new batch with the Vidyarambha ceremony on 14 September 2022. 

The event began with a Ganesh Puja followed by Gayatri Havan, both led by Br. Ved Chaitanya. Through the Gayatri Havan, offerings are made to Goddess Gayatri, signifying three deities: Gayatri, the master of Senses; Savitri, the Truth and Saraswati, Speech.

Each student chanted the Gayatri mantra five times and offered ‘ahuti’ (oblations) into the fire. They were initiated into their course of study by taking the five vows of a Vidyarthi: to keep oneself physically fit by eating nutritious food and doing regular exercise; to study sincerely and regularly; to practise truthfulness in thought, word and deed; to be unselfish and compassionate in thought, word and deed and to develop a sense of duty and be sensitive to the needs and challenges of the collective social good.

The formal inauguration marked the beginning of the academic year 2022-23. The inauguration started with the Chinmaya Ashtothara Shathanamavali and archana. The Chinmaya Ashtothara Shathanamavali was chanted by Br. Ved Chaitanya and Ms. Jayalakshmi Nanda. Flowers were offered by Prof. Ajay Kapoor (Vice Chancellor, CVV) and Dr. Apparao Mukkamala (Managing Trustee, CVV Trust).

Prof. Sreevalsakumar R. (Dean of Academics) welcomed the audience. In his address, he stated that learning starts from the womb and ends on the deathbed, and education is just a phase of formal learning to earn a job. He emphasized the holistic development of an individual and assured the students of the same through an environment of holistic learning at CVV. Prof. Ajay Kapoor highlighted the vision of CVV and stated that CVV will help students achieve their aspirations, whether higher studies, job, entrepreneurship, etc. Dr. Apparao Mukkamala stressed the importance of the five vows taken by the students, viz., physical well-being, sincere efforts to achieve the goals, truthfulness, compassion and sensitivity to the world around us. He stated that if all these five vows are dutifully followed by a student, success is assured in life. He urged the students to follow the same. Honourable Chancellor, Swami Swaroopananda Saraswati joined the function online and showered his blessings on the students. Swami Advayananda, Trustee, CVV Trust inspired the students to think high and blessed the students for a fruitful time at CVV and beyond. Dr. Rahul Sharma (Registrar, CVV), thanked the management for their support and others made the event a success.

The inaugural function culminated with all members taking the Chinmaya pledge followed by the singing of the National Anthem.
