The new academic year at Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (CVV) began with the Vidyarambha ceremony, on 01 November 2020. Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the programme was conducted online.
The programme started with an invocation by Sreelakshmi K. Iyer, (F.Y.B.A. Sanskrit). The function opened with a welcome address by Shri N. M. Sundar, Executive Secretary, CVV Trust. Shri Sundar said the University is privileged to start the new academic year virtually, without a break. He explained the unique features of CVV and its excellence in the field of education. He welcomed the new students and congratulated them for the rare distinction of being part of the CVV family.
With much enthusiasm and hope, the Vice Chancellor Prof. Nagaraj Neerchal, Dean of Faculty Prof. Gauri Mahulikar, Registrar i/c Dr. Soumya S., Shri Sundar, the students and parents lit a lamp at their respective locations to inaugurate the new academic year. Chief of Staff of the VC’s office, Ms. Jayalakshmi Nanda sang the CVV Kulageetham.
Prof. Neerchal expressed his happiness in welcoming the newly joined students to the University. He reminded the students that the first day is always full of energy and enthusiasm and advised the students to maintain that throughout the programme to achieve academic excellence. He suggested that they take this opportunity to thank those special people in their life who supported them and those who are ready to offer support to them throughout the journey of excellence. He assured the students that the faculty members and staff of CVV will work side by side with the students to achieve their goal and make their dream a grand success. He wished them a fruitful academic experience at CVV.
Following the Vice Chancellor’s address, Swami Advayananda, Trustee of CVV, gave the benedictory address. Swamiji expressed his happiness to be a part of the Vidyarambha ceremony. He mentioned that the students who joined the University are here with a mission. In his lively speech, he urged the students to approach education with inspiration. Quoting Sage Patanjali in his talk, he encouraged the students to have a strong will, along with great inspiration to accomplish the final goal set by them in all aspects of life. Swamiji also explained to the students how to face obstacles in their life. He blessed the students saying that the inspiration is the lamp-lit by them on this day. He also added that the lit lamp dispels darkness and will spread the light of hope in their path.
Prof. Gauri Mahulikar recited the Panchavrati, the five vows to be taken by the students which the students repeated after her. The Panchavrati pertains to the following five qualities in students’ academic life:
- Vow for physical well-being through doing regular exercise/playing, eating nutritious food and following the rules of good health.
- Vow for regular and sincere study by following a systematic and persistent approach to studies.
- Vow for practising truthfulness in thought, word and deed.
- Vow for being unselfish and compassionate in one’s thought, word, and deed.
- Vow to develop a sense of being dutiful and sensitive to the needs and challenges of the collective social good.
Dr. Mahulikar explained the five vows and their importance to students in academic life.
The Registrar i/c Dr. Soumya thanked all those who contributed to the making of the University and especially those who organised the Vidyarambha ceremony. In the second half of the event, the new batch was welcomed by their seniors with a group song invoking Goddess Saraswati.
The events of the day concluded with a Shanti Mantra followed by the Chinmaya Mission pledge and National Anthem.