Chinmaya Narayan Zone, Chembur/Ghatkopar, Mumbai was the opening batsman for the unique global Bhajan and Chanting Workshop series conducted by Smt. Pramodini Rao, Director, Chinmaya Naada Bindu Gurukula (CNBG), Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, organised to mark Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda’s 28th Mahasamadhi Day on 3rd August 2021.
‘Unto Him’ in Chembur-Ghatkopar
A participant from the Chembur-Ghatkopar group, Ujjwala Sethna, shared a brief report:
“The four-day online workshop Unto Him, held on 5, 6, 9 and 16 April April 2021 was enthusiastically attended by 29 people who felt drenched in the nectar of Guru Bhakti. The participants were taught two bhajans, one of which was Smt. Pramodini’s latest composition on Pujya Gurudev. They also learnt two hymns, ‘Kritajnata’, a composition by Swami Tejomayananda, and ‘Chinmayashtakam’. The meaning of both was shared by one of the members.
Each session began with the reading aloud of an episode from the book ‘At Every Breath A Teaching’ which is a compilation of short anecdotes by people on their experiences with Puja Gurudev.
We take this opportunity to thank Pramodiniji and her wonderful team for this well planned and interactive workshop where the participants got to individually clear their doubts and present their learning. The learning tools like audio recordings and lyrics that were provided were very useful. We wish CNBG all the best and pray for the success of this sankalpa.”
Currently, the ‘Unto Him’ workshops are being organised for people in Vashi and Thane as well as for bhajan enthusiasts in Los Angeles. The workshop for New Delhi is slated for May 2021. For details and to join as a group write to
‘Unto Him’ in Navi Mumbai
Lata Srinivasan and Mala Murugan from the Navi Mumbai group shared the following:
The ‘Unto Him’ workshop was held on four Wednesdays beginning from 07 April 2021 and was attended by 18 participants.
Smt. Pramodini Rao, with a flair for teaching novices like us, made even the most difficult bhajans simple. The ‘meends’ and ‘murkhis’ which cannot even be heard in a song were taught with ease and made simple for us to learn. This gave a different feel to the songs altogether.
The bhajans in this workshop were simple yet had a level of difficulty for those who were new. She explained the rhythm and the nuances of each line beautifully. Everyone was made to sing and correct themselves, making us confident.
Currently, the ‘Unto Him’ workshops are being organised for bhajan enthusiasts in Los Angeles. The workshops for Thane and for New Delhi are slated for May 2021.
For details and to join as a group, write to