The sixth University Day was celebrated in a modest way on 16 January 2023. The event started off with the singing of the kulageetham. Dr. Rahul Sharma (Registrar, CVV) welcomed the online and on-campus audience. After the lighting of the lamp, Prof. Ajay Kapoor (Vice Chancellor, CVV), gave an overview of the progress of CVV in the past year in the field of academics, co-curricular and extracurricular events, extension activities, global internships, placements, student achievements, etc. The event highlights were presented by the Registrar, Dr. Rahul Sharma.
Dr. Sunitha Grandhee (Dean–Academics), presented the achievements of the students and faculty. She gave an overview of the AICTE projects carried out as internships by the students of CVV. She also spoke about the books released by CVV, research accomplishments, conferences, seminars and workshops conducted by CVV, and other academic achievements. The other highlights were the achievements of individual faculty – Mr. Karthik Sharma (Assistant Professor of Advaita Vedanta) and Dr. Bindu M. P. (Assistant Professor of Education) were honoured. Mr. Karthik Sharma for his contributions and external recognitions in Advaita Vedanta and Dr. Bindu M. P. for her contribution to humanity and community through active involvement in extension activities.
The students from the School of Kalayoga presented a song composed by Dr. Swapnil Chaphekar, followed by a veena recital by Ms. Sneha Gomathy (first- year BA Sanskrit).
The celebrations came to a close with the singing of the National Anthem and taking of the Chinmaya Pledge, led by Mr. Srinath Mohandas (Assistant Professor, School of Ethics, Governance, Culture and Social Systems).