Numbering of Trees on CEG Campus by SEVA@CVV Volunteers

The SEVA @ Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth initiative took its first baby steps on 28 March 2021 when the team took up the naming of trees in the Chinmaya Eswar Gurukula campus. The team of 13 volunteers started at 7:30 am, near the entrance of Sivasree.

Under the guidance of Faculty Coordinator Dr. Bindu M.P. (Assistant Professor, School of Ethics, Governance, Culture and Social Systems) and Coordinator of SEVA@CVV Br. Sudheer Chaitanya, the students took up the numbering of the trees on the campus. Amidst much fun and laughter, they went around painting a neat, yellow square on 200 trees and finished numbering 80 of them.

The volunteers were –



