On the occasion of Gītā Jayantī, the School of Vedic Knowledge Systems organised a Sampūrṇa Gītā Pārāyaṇa Satram at Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth for the students, faculty and staff on 25 December 2020. The event was also kept open for external participants.
The event involved the recitation of all the 18 chapters of the Bhagavadgītā. Besides the twenty people who joined on campus, around fifty people joined via Zoom. Everyone actively participated in the three-hour satram and experienced the spiritual ambience. The pārāyaṇa was led by Sushant Bhide (Br. Ved Chaitanya) and Narayan Baban Shete, both second-year M.A. students.
It being the jayantī of Sri Swami Tapovan Maharaj as well, the pārāyaṇa was followed by a Gītā āratī and the āratī of Shri Swami Tapovan Maharaj led by the Vice Chancellor Prof. Nagaraj Neerchal. Prasāda was distributed at the end of the session.
The programme was coordinated by student coordinator Sushant Bhide and Faculty advisor Prof. Karthik Sharma K., Assistant Professor, School of Vedic Knowledge Systems.