Online Vedic Chanting Classes by CNBG

The Chinmaya Naada Bindu Gurukula (CNBG) started ‘Learn Vedic Chanting’ online sessions on 14 April 2021 to create awareness and to teach the chanting of ten Shanti Mantras in fourteen sessions.

The session was inaugurated by Prof. Gauri Mahulikar (Dean, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth). She shared an inspiring message about the purpose of chanting Shanti Mantras, their relevance and applicability to spiritual as well as day-to-day life and how it amalgamates the two. She related it to how Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, through its various programmes, is also bringing about an amalgamation of Indian Knowledge Systems (IKS) or bhāratīya jñāna paramparā and contemporary Knowledge Systems (CKS) or ādhunika jñāna paramparā.

The sessions were held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:30 pm via Zoom by Sri. Akshay Malhotra, supported by Ms. Shobha Iyer. The series had 120 enthusiastic participants from ten countries. The course material included the ten Shanti Mantras with svarās in devanāgarī script along with the transliteration, meaning and audio recordings for post-session practice. Every session included repeated rounds of practice of mantras that have been covered in previous sessions followed by the learning of the next mantra.


Those interested in attending upcoming sessions of Vedic chanting may write to
