The third in the series of Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) was held on 26 March 2021, on ‘Research in Universities: Fine-Tuning of Faculty Skills’. It was organised by the IQAC under the expert guidance of the Director of IQAC Prof. Sreevalsa Kumar (Head, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Heritage). The programme was aimed at providing a clear understanding of the role of research in the University and also to provide guidance and support to the CVV faculty members in their research activities and research outputs by finetuning their research skills.
The session started with a formal welcome address and introduction of the programme by Prof. Sreevalsa Kumar. Prof. Nagaraj Neerchal (Vice Chancellor) presented the topic ‘Role of Research in Universities’. Prof. Ajay Kapoor, the Pro-Chancellor of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth and Pro Vice Chancellor (Research Sarawak) at the Swinburne University of Technology in Australia), greatly known for his monumental research activities, was the resource person. Prof. Kapoor gave insight on how to develop a research idea.
Six of the faculty members from different Schools, Dr. Kavita R. Shanmughan, Dr. P. N. Prabhavathy, Dr. R. Venkata Raghavan, Dr. Satheesh Varma M., Dr. Saurabh Singanapalli and Dr. Vanisree Ramanathan gave a short presentation on their current research work. During the FDP, participants were grouped based on their Schools for coming up with research ideas. The group discussion was followed by the presentation of two research ideas each by different Schools. Prof. Kapoor shared his observation on each idea and talked about the steps to be taken for attaining the research outputs. The FDP was indeed a brainstorming session for all the participants.
Prof. Gauri Mahulikar (Dean of Faculty) gave the concluding remarks and the programme was wound up with the vote of thanks by Asst. Prof. Abha Mohan (School of Contemporary Knowledge Systems).