On 5th August Prof. Nagaraj Neerchal took charge as Vice-Chancellor of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth in the august presence of Pujya Guruji Swami Tejomayananda, founder Chancellor of CVV and Swami Advayananda, Trustee, CVV. Guruji welcomed the new Vice-Chancellor with a shawl of CVV and books, after which Prof. Gauri Mahulikar, Dean CVV, introduced Prof. Nagaraj to the audience. The programme started with a prayer and ended with Chinmaya pledge and Kulagitam.
The following is what Pujya Guruji said that morning:
I extend a hearty welcome to all and to Prof. Nagaraj Neerchal as Vice Chancellor. In the beginning, I was Chancellor for two-and-a-half days. In life, we all want permanency. MLAs, MPs want to be in their position forever, they want to be minister forever but it is temporary. Only the post of former Minister, former MP is a permanent designation.
You know that CVV has a vision, there is a plan of action, there is a Trust board, there is a Board of Management to run everything, there are faculty and most importantly there are students. When we want to achieve something, we should make a plan assuming we are never going to die. But when we have to act, we must remember the act has to be righteous, the action must be rooted in moral, ethical, righteous values. We must not just try to achieve by hook or crook. My action must be rooted in dharma and I must act as if I am going to die tomorrow. गृहीत इव केशेषु मृत्युना धर्ममाचरेत् ॥ Act as if Yamaraj has caught you by the hair. Never postpone the righteous action.
If an inauspicious thought comes to your mind, say you will do it tomorrow, but when the action is right, do it immediately. But the most important thing is to do it by invoking God’s grace and Guru’s grace. In today’s world, I only believe in 2G. Gurudev and God’s grace. Sometimes people ask me to bless them. I tell them I am not authorized to bless but I am authorized to invoke God and Gurudev’s blessings. I also invoke Bhagavan Adi Sankara’s blessings, we are in His home. I wish to particularly appreciate Prof. Gauriji’s work to keep everything moving until now. She will continue as Dean. Once again congratulations to Prof. Nagaraj-Ji and best wishes to all of you.