चिन्मयविश्वविद्यापीठे प्रवर्तमानायां अन्ताराष्ट्रियगोष्ठ्यां 17-12-2019 दिनाङ्के डॉ. मन्मथघरोटेमहाभागस्य आध्यक्ष्ये शोधपत्रप्रस्तुतिसत्रं प्रावर्तत ।तत्रादौ डॉ.आम्रपालीपाटिलवर्या ‘Ayurveda and Yoga in Integrated Medical Weight Management for Treatment of Obesity’ इति विषयमधिकृत्य पत्रं प्रस्तूय स्थूलकायत्वस्य न्यूनीकरणं दुष्परिणामं विना योगायुर्वेदाभ्यां कथं भवतीति व्यवृणोत् । अनन्तरं श्रीमती नृत्याजगन्नाथन्वर्या ‘Application of the Bird Model of the Panchkosha (Taittiriya Upanishad) in the Context of Individual Yoga Therapy Insight from the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram Approach’ इति शीर्षकयुतं पत्रं प्रस्तुतवती अनन्तरं श्रीमान् गुञ्जनत्रिवेदीमहाभागः ‘Mind-body of benefits of chanting and implications of Breathing in simple Bhramari practice’” इत्याख्यं शोधपत्रं प्रस्तूय प्रणवोच्चारणेन भ्रामरीप्राणायामेन च हृदयस्य स्पंदन कथं भवति तेन के लाभाः च भवन्तीति व्यवृणोत् । तदनु श्रीमान् हरिप्रसादवर्माराजावर्यः
‘Yoga for peace: Exploring the Inner Realms Through the Yogasutras and Mahabharata’ इत्याख्यं पत्रं प्रस्तूय अन्तरङ्गान् बहिरङ्गान् च योगप्रकारान् प्रतिपाद्य योगस्य प्रयोजनं शान्तिः इति व्यवृणोत् । प्रश्नोत्तरेण सत्रमिदं परिसमाप्तम् ।
The post-lunch Technical Session 4, on Day 2 of the NFSI 2019, had 4 paper presentations and was chaired by Dr. Manmath M Gharote from Kaivalyadham, Lonavala.
The first paper titled, ‘Ayurveda and Yoga in Integrated Medical Weight Management for Treatment of Obesity’ was presented by Dr. Amrapali Patil via ZOOM. The treatment of obesity and the definition of health in different cultures was discussed. An explanation of obesity in the context of Ayurveda was put forth and the inseparable nature of Ayurveda and Yoga in weight management was discussed.
The second paper presentation by Nrithya Jagannathan was titled, ‘Application of the Bird Model of the Panchakosha (Taittiriya Upanishad) in the Context of Individualised Yoga Therapy’. She elaborated on the results of her research which state that working on the annamaya kosha of patients with illness has brought about changes in the jnanamaya kosha of the individual.
The third paper titled, ‘The Mind-body Benefits of Chanting and Implications of Breathing in Simple Bhramari Practice’ was presented by Shri Gunjan. Y. Trivedi. The speaker’s work focused on how the humming effects of the Brahmari with breath regulation had a direct impact on the heart rate variability which is essential for an individual to lead a disease-free life.
Shri Hariprasad Varma Raja presented the last paper titled, ‘Yoga for Peace: Exploring the Inner Realms Through the Yoga Sutras and Mahabharata’. An innovative approach of integrating stories from the Mahabharata with Yoga practices was the central topic of discussion. Yoga as a method to make sense of the ever-changing world was one of the ideas proposed by the speaker.
The session ended with concluding remarks by the Chair.