16.12.2019 तमे दिनाङ्के चिन्मयविश्वविद्यापीठे अपराह्णे प्रवृत्ते शोधपत्रप्रस्तुतिसत्रे आदौ प्रो. राधाकृष्णन् नायरमहाभागः युक्तिभाषा नाम्नः ग्रन्थस्यानुसारं गणितपाठनपद्धतिं व्यवृणोत्। समयात् वयं गणितज्ञान् विस्मृतवन्तः। गणितं वेदशाखानां मुर्ध्नि संस्थापितं, तस्य महती आवश्यकता सम्प्रत्यपि कथमस्तीति महोदयेन युक्त्या निरूपितम्। अनन्तरं डा.स्वप्निलछापेकरवर्यस्य हिंदुस्थानीसङ्गीतपद्धतिः इत्याख्ये पत्रे कथं गुरूकुले शिष्यान् सङ्गीतं पाठ्यते,तस्य का आवश्यकता इत्यादयो विषयाः निरूपिताः। अपि च सङ्गीतस्य देशीसङ्गीतं मार्गीसङ्गीतमिति च प्रकारद्वयम् इति निरूप्य उभयोः उपयोगः मनोरञ्जनापेक्षयापि मुख्यतया अध्यात्मिकप्रगतये भवति इति प्रतिपादितम् । तदनु प्रो.सीना K.T.महाभागा Application of Upanishad Model for Contemporary Education इति विषये भाषितवती । कथमस्माकमाचरणमासीत् सम्प्रति कथं भवेत् ‘अन्नं न निन्द्यात् तद्व्रतम्’, ‘ऋतं च स्वाध्यायप्रवचने च’ इत्याद्यानां श्रुतीनां सन्दर्भं मनसि निधाय प्रतिपादितम्।अनन्तरं प्रो.अन्वेषा भट्टाचार्यवर्यया प्रो. सोनाली शेनोलीकरवर्यया च संयुक्तरूपेण Exploring the Significance of Indian logic in overcoming Contemporary Educational Limitations in India इति विषये भाषितम्।
The post-lunch Technical Session on Day 1 of the NFSI 2019 continued on the broad theme of education. The first paper in the post-lunch session, titled ‘Method of Teaching Mathematics in Medieval Kerala’, was presented by Dr. Radhakrishnan Nair, wherein he briefed the audience about the lineage of mathematicians in Kerala, with particular mention of the Ganita-Yukti-Bhasa of Jyesthadeva and its significance.
The next paper titled ‘Elements of Indian Philosophy in the Pedagogy of the Gurukula System of Music Education, with Special Reference to Khayal singing in Hindustani music’ was presented by Dr. Prabhavathy, on behalf of Dr. Swapnil Chaphekar. She mentioned the basic principle of Nadabrahma, Anahrutanada and the distinction between the two modes of Desi and Margi, and highlighted the salient features of the Gurukula system of music education.
The third paper on ‘Applications of Upanishad Model for Contemporary Education’ was presented by Ms. Seena K. She mentioned some salient points regarding the practice of Upanayanam and Samavartanam and the nature of the Guru-Shishya relationship that existed in early times.
The fourth paper titled, ‘Exploring the significance of Indian logic in overcoming contemporary educational limitations in India’, authored by Ms. Anwesha Bhattacharya and Ms. Sonali Shenolikar, was presented by both the authors together and prompted much discussion. The authors discussed the various issues existing in the present education system based on results from their survey and study and proposed a pedagogy based on Indian Logic as a solution.