NFSI 2019 – Panel Discussion 3 – Day 2

अद्य १७-१२-२०१९  दिनाङ्के NFSI अन्ताराष्ट्रीयसङ्गोष्ठ्याः द्वितीये दिने  “योगः आयुर्वेदश्च  :  समकालिक-आरोग्येक्षेत्रे भारतीयज्ञानपरम्परायाः  संयोजनम्” इति विषये विपश्चित्संवादः प्रावर्तत । अस्मिन् संवादे     डा. मन्मथघरोटेवर्यः, श्रीमान् रघु-अनन्तनारायणवर्यः, डा.लतासतीशकृष्णमाचार्यमहोदया च भागमगृह्णन् । डा. मन्मथघरोटेवर्यः प्रतिपादितवान् यत्  शारीरिक-मानसिक-भावनात्मक-सामाजिक-आध्यात्मिकांशैः व्यक्तित्वस्य आरोग्यस्य च विकासः शक्यते परन्तु तदर्थं सर्वदैव मनसः सहभागः महत्वपूर्णः इति । श्रीमान् रघुअनन्तनारायणवर्यः अन्तर्योगे सन्निहितेषु हीनयोग-अतियोग-वियोगादिषु संस्काराणां वासनानां सहभागस्य आवश्यकतां व्यवृणोत्। डा. लतासतीशकृष्णमाचार्यमहोदयया चिकित्साव्यवस्थापने योगाभ्यासरतानां साधकानां योगगुरूणां च योगदानस्य महती आवश्यकता अस्ति इति उक्तम्। अद्यत्वे योगसम्बद्धचिकित्सायां चिकित्सकाः अननुभवत्वेनापि केवलैः प्रमाणाधारितसंशोधनादिभिः चिकित्सायां प्रवर्तन्ते।

अस्मिन् विषये गुणात्मकसंशोधनस्य आवश्यकता अधिका अस्ति इति तस्याः कथनमासीत्। सत्रस्यान्तिमे भागे प्रश्नोत्तरं प्रावर्तत ।

The third panel discussion at NFSI 2019 was on the topic ‘Nirāmaya: Yoga and Ayurveda: Integrating IKT in Contemporary Health Perspectives’. The session was chaired by Dr. Manmath M. Gharote from Kaivalyadhama, Lonavala and the speakers were Shri Raghu Ananthanarayan, an independent Yoga practitioner, and Dr. Latha Sathish from the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai.


The session began with Dr. Gharote speaking on the application of Yoga for an integrated health perspective. He highlighted the relevance of yoga in the present era, stating that in the contemporary world problems occur due to an imbalance between expectations and reality, or the difference between what we need and what we achieve. He also spoke about the characteristics of yoga and its definition. Further, he addressed character formation and the root causes and remedies of various disorders. He also emphasised that yoga is not just a technique but a psycho-physical approach which is practised physically and experienced at both a mental and a spiritual level.


Shri Raghu Ananthanarayan, in his talk on Ashtanga Yoga, spoke about antaranga, bahiranga and para-antaranga. He said that the early evidence of yoga was first found in Ayurveda and then in Mahabharata. Describing a mature person as one who has experienced the nine rasas and has come back to the state of shantham, a phenomenon which he described as yogam. He also spoke about the three levels of expressing oneself: external, internal and mental. He further pointed out that practising dhyana can end dukha, cleanse the entire body and also prepare the body for dharana.


Dr. Latha Sathish spoke about the integration of health care through yoga and Ayurveda. She spoke about yoga and Ayurveda as individual-based, process-oriented approaches for treatment as well as for healing and health promotion. She emphasised the need for developing a method wherein people will undergo treatment according to their prakriti. The main concern of such integration in the present day is that research evidence has made the public service sector incorporate yoga and Ayurveda, but they have failed to integrate it at the grassroots level. It has made yoga a curing technology in the present society. She stressed the point that yoga is not just a technique but a process of observing, regulating and mastering.


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