चिन्मयविश्वविद्यापीठे प्रवर्तमानायाः NFSI अन्ताराष्ट्रीयसङ्गोष्ठ्याः द्वितीयदिने 17-12-2019 दिनाङ्के द्वितीयदिक्सूचिभाषणे प्रो.B.N.गङ्गाधरवर्यः “The roadmap of integrating Ayush in India’s public Health system” इति विषयमधिकृत्य स्वविचारान् उपस्थाप्य योगस्य मानवजीवने प्रभावः परिणामश्च कथं भवतीति स्पष्टं व्यवृणोत्। योगस्य अध्यात्मिकार्थः तस्य महर्षिपतञ्जलेः मतानुसारमङ्गानि च स्पष्टीकृतानि। प्रणवोच्चारणेन मनसः उद्वेगः प्रशान्तः सन् मनसि प्रसन्नता शान्तिश्च सञ्जायते, योगाभ्यासेन MNA (Mirror neutron Activity) परिवर्तते, योगेनैव Oxytocin level वर्धते इत्यादयः अंशाः बहुभिः दृष्टान्तैः निरूपिताः ।
अन्ते प्रश्नोत्तरेण सत्रमिदं परिसमाप्तम् ।
On the second morning of NFSI 2019, Prof. B.N. Gangadhar, Director, NIMHANS, Bengaluru, delivered his keynote address on ‘The Roadmap of Integrating AYUSH in India’s Public Health System’. Prof.Gangadhar spoke about the concept of connectedness and Yoga, and how through his research he has found that the integration of yoga in therapy has brought significant changes in the neurobiology and the social cognition of patients with mental illness, especially schizophrenia and autism. He chose yoga as a therapeutic aid as the aspect of mind is automatically encompassed within it. Thus, from the concept of Ashtanga Yoga, he chose asana and pranayama in therapeutic procedures and found that these led to substantial alterations in brain activity, as well as the levels of various helpful brain chemicals and hormones, in patients with schizophrenia and autism. In his research, patients with negative symptoms of schizophrenia had more elevations in their symptoms compared to positive symptom patients. He concluded by saying, “Connectedness processes of Yoga correct the ‘schism’ of Schizophrenia”.