NFSI 2019 – Cultural Programme – Day 1

16.12.2019 दिनाङ्के सायङ्काले चिन्मयविश्वविद्यापीठे अन्ताराष्ट्रीयसङ्गोष्ठ्याः अङ्गतया प्रवृत्ते सांस्कृतिककार्यक्रमे श्रीमता राजीबघोषवर्येण व्याख्यानपुरस्सरं कथकनृत्यं प्रदर्शितम् । कार्यक्रमेsस्मिन् तबलावादनं श्रीमान् शहिदवर्यः सितारवादनं निकिता नटराजन्वर्या च अकरोत् । प्रथमं घोषवर्येण सर्वकलाकाराणां स्वल्पपरिचयं कारयित्वा स्वगुरोः परम्परायाश्च उल्लेखः कृतः। कथक् नृत्ये कालानुरूपं जातं परिवर्तनं  तस्य कारणानि च वर्णितानि घोषवर्येण । शिवताण्डवेन नृत्यारम्भं विधाय क्रमेण विभिन्नानि नृत्यानि प्रदर्श्य सुमनोमनांसि अरञ्जयत् नाट्यगणः । अनन्तरं चिन्मयविश्वविद्यापीठच्छात्रः सारङ्गनारायणः, ज्योतिषः, किरणश्च  केरलस्य विशिष्टं “कलारि” इत्याख्यं प्राचीनं युद्धविद्याप्रकारं प्रादर्शयन् ।

शान्तिमन्त्रेण कार्यक्रमस्यास्य समाप्तिः जाता ।

The Cultural Programme on Day 1 of NFSI 2019 had two exotic performances, each unique and exuberant in their own ways. The first was a Lecture-Demonstration on Kathak by Shri Rajib Ghosh. He took the audience on a journey through time, as he began from the history of the dance form and continued on to a graceful and flavourful performance which was a perfect blend of tala, laya and sruti. As he explained and demonstrated in detail the main stances, steps, movements, narratives and exposition styles in Kathak, the audience was held spellbound and enraptured. The auditorium swayed to the energetic beats and rhythms of the Jaipur gharana of Kathak.




At the other end of the spectrum was a Kalaripayattu demonstration by the students and staff of CVV. It was a performance filled with rigour, action and skill, as the exponents demonstrated the primary positions and moves of this ancient martial art form. The highlight of the Kalaripayattu performance was the demonstration of Urumi Veesal by Shri Kiran.





The audience gave a standing ovation for both performances. There couldn’t have been a better way to end the day. 

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