Kerala Piravi Online Drawing Competition

With the idea of ‘Lock the Letters, Unlock the Fun’, Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth organised an online drawing competition from 24 to 29 October 2020, in celebration of Kerala’s statehood day. The event was organized with the intention of providing an opportunity to people to reconnect with the state language, Malayalam. The competition was open to all aged 14 years and above.

Participants had to draw using the Malayalam script on any of the following themes: Kerala Specialties, COVID-19 Warriors and Break the Chain Measures.

Shri Arun Raman, a well-known artist was the judge for the competition. Ms. Devika Subramanian won the first place with a cash prize of Rs.1500/- and Laura Anne Tom won the second place with a cash prize of Rs.1000/-. They also received a Certificate of Merit. Both the drawings beautifully depicted the specialities of Kerala.

All the participants were awarded a Certificate of Participation.

First Prize Winner:
Firs Prize Winner - Devika 

Second Prize Winner:
