Internship Report – Vishnu H

Vishnu H., a final-year student of CVV had the wonderful learning opportunity of doing his internship at HLL Lifecare Limited for his course dissertation, ‘A Study on Customer Relationship Management’ at HLL Lifecare Limited In Specific Reference to HCS and RBD Division. During the internship Vishnu visited factories, medical laboratories (HINDLAB) and pharmacies (AMRIT) to understand CRM on-ground.

HLL Lifecare Limited (formerly Hindustan Latex Limited) (HLL) is an Indian healthcare products manufacturing company based in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. A Government of India -owned corporation (public-sector undertaking), it produces various health care products.

The objective of the study was to study the current practices of CRM at Retain Business Division (RBD) and Health Care Services (HCS) divisions of HLL and to study the impact of CRM on Operations of HCS and RBD.
