From January 2021, the webinar series on Indian Knowledge Systems under the Open Learning for All (OLA) initiative are being held twice a month, alternating with the other OLA series called’ Kala Samvada—Conversations on Art’.
Session 43 (07 January)
Shri Nithin Ramakrishnan (Assistant Professor, School of Ethics, Governance, Culture and Social Systems) spoke on Bharatiya values in the session titled ‘Introduction to Dharmasastra and Nitishastra’. He explained Dharmasastra and Nitisastra distinctly, although a tight classification is nearly redundant in practice. He discussed the relationship between Dharmasastra and Nitisastra as a prologue to Purushartha studies which CVV undertakes through its various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. He also explored what it means to speak about Dharma and Niti in the present times.
Session 44 (21 January)
Author, researcher and speaker Shri Nilesh Oak, discussed the unparalleled sophistication, precision and accuracy of ancient Indian astronomy as the result of society’s deep desire for reliable ways for sustenance, good health, commerce and global navigation. The title of his talk was ‘Ancient Indian Astronomy—Key to Ancient Indian Happiness’.