Aditya Raja (third-year B.A. Applied Psychology) attend IIT Mandi’s Winter School on Cognitive Modelling. It was held online from 15 to 17 December 2020. Here is what Aditya has to say about this experience:
“Since my childhood, I was fascinated about the working of my own brain. I was astonished to learn about brain computing interface with EEG. It was a great learning experience as I could see mathematics, computers, psychology and humans are interrelated in such interfaces. Moreover, the BCI interface made me realise that after a point how sciences like physics and biology mingle during high level investigation.
In another class, I got to learn about models—their functioning and building—ardently. Accumulator models were described in detail with special focus on HDDM and EZ. I had a great time while reviewing the models and understanding how they function
Additionally, with the modus operandi, function and technical know-how, I found the many classes to be informative and insightful. IIT Mandi’s Winter School has given me a productive lifelong learning. It was a riveting experience throughout.”