End Semester Examinations

Based on the examination related guidelines issued by UGC on 29th April, 2020, and the decisions taken in the Faculty meeting held on 30th April 2020 it was decided to conduct the end semester examinations for PG students and Terminal semester UG students of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth at both the campuses (CEG campus and CNBG campus) in an online mode.

The examinations are scheduled at the CNBG campus from 12th May 2020 to 25th May 2020 and at the CEG campus from 18th May 2020 to 25th May 2020, for all PG students and final year UG students. The tentative date for declaration of results is 31st May 2020.

For the detailed examination schedule for CNBG students: click here

For the detailed examination schedule for CEG students: click here

For the scope and guidelines for the examinations: click here
