Eminent Lecture Series Webinar on ‘Viswam – Vedam – Quantum’

The Eminent Lecture Series (ELS) is a joint initiative of the School of Contemporary Knowledge System (CKS) and Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC). Interactive sessions are conducted with speakers from diverse backgrounds to amplify the knowledge and awareness of the community. 

In this series, a webinar titled ‘Viswam – Vedam – Quantum’ was held on 14 July 2021 from 3:00 – 4:00 pm. The speaker was Dr. Srinivas Yanamandra, Chief compliance at New Development Bank, Shanghai, China. He received his PhD in Business Administration from Alliance Manchester Business School and is Visiting Fellow at the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership and Indian School of Business. 

The event began with a prayer by Ajith Krishnan (third-year BCom) after which Harigovind A. B. (third-year BCom) welcomed everyone. 

The lecture rendered by the speaker was divided into three portions. He started by explaining the term ‘Viswam’ scientifically. One of the core areas described the creation of the universe according to the big bang theory and the role of the four fundamental forces in it, including electromagnetism, gravity, weak and strong nuclear forces.  He also gave contrasting approaches to Einstein’s equations using modern discoveries. 

The second part was about ‘Quantum’ were the characteristics of light were discussed. For centuries scientists have argued whether light was in the form of a wave or a particle. Meany theories related to this were examined. He also talked about ‘’Quantum particles. It was concluded that Quantum Puzzle is not about measuring something but figuring out the theory by which the concept of measurement has to be redefined.

In the third portion ‘Vedam’, he related the scientific concepts discussed to the concepts mentioned in the Vedic scriptures. The Vedas have a different approach to the creation of the universe. It said the Vedic Cosmos did not arise from the Big Bang but sprang from ‘sacrifice’. He talked about the similarities in measurement using Vedic and scientific concepts. The session became more interactive when the speaker and some students discussed the concepts of Vedic consciousness. 

The talk ended with a vote of thanks by Harigovind.
