CVV Celebrates National Librarian’s Day

National Librarian’s Day was celebrated on Friday, 11 August 2023 in the library at CVV’s Warriam Road facility Prajna Pratishthanam in Kochi. Students, faculty, non-teaching staff and heads of Schools, attended the function.

Ms. Anitha M B, the Chief Librarian, welcomed the gathering. Prof. Girish Kumar (Dean of Research) inaugurated the function by lighting the lamp. The Heads of Schools, faculty members, research scholars, non-teaching staff and the housekeeping staff participated in the discussion on the importance of a library in an educational institution. Some of the housekeeping staff expressed their joy at having access to the library books and shared their experience of reading books in the library. Thus, the CVV library serves as a resource not only for students, but to everyone in the CVV family. The programme concluded with the distribution of sweets and the vote of thanks by Ms. Vandana Menon, Assistant LIbrarian.

Demonstration of Balani Infotech Pvt. ltd.
Nowadays the dynamics of a library have changed with the addition of a relational aspect to all its processes. The first change to happen to the academic library was a change in the way the collections were curated and developed as an electronic resource, also known as an e-journal, e-book, and online databases in varied digital formats. A demonstration of the database was presented by Balani Infotech Pvt. Lt., Ernakulam at the CVV library at the Warriam Road facility Prajna Pratishthanam on Friday, 11 August 2023 at 10.30 a.m. The Dean of Research, Dr. Girish Kumar, heads and faculty of various schools attended the session.

MS. Anitha M. B. Chief Librarian welcomed the gathering. Mr. Pradeep Srinivasan, the business manager of Emerald Company, described the product in detail. Ms. Viji Sreejith Product Manager–Sales & Marketing, discussed the cost and the maintenance services etc. Some of the attendees got their doubts about the operating system clarified.
