Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (CVV) celebrated Indian Constitution Day, also known as Samvidhan Diwas, on 26 November 2021 with zest. The Indian Constitution was adopted on 26 November 1949 and came into force on 26 January 1950, marking the beginning of a new era in the history of India.
The celebrations organised by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting which included the reading aloud of the Preamble to the Constitution by the Hon’ble President of India Sri Ram Nath Kovind was telecast live at CVV at an online platform attended by students, staff and faculty.
As directed by the UGC vide letter D.O.No. F.1-28/2021(e.Gov) dated 25 November 2021, faculty, staff and students participated in the online quiz on Constitutional Democracy ( .
In addition, the portal details were circulated among faculty, staff and students ( to participate in the reading of the preamble which is available in 22 official languages and English.
The event was shared on all the social media platforms of CVV and everyone was encouraged to tweet about the event using the hashtag #SamvidhanDiwas.