The CVV NSS Unit organised a roadside cleaning programme at Adi Shankara Bus Stop, Ernakulam, Kerala on 1st October 2023, under ‘Ek Tareekh, Ek Ghanta, Ek Saath’’, the event launched by Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi. Shri. Ashish (Ward member, Peppathy, Edakatuvayal Grama Panchayat), Shri. Shrikanth Menon (Assistant Registrar, CVV), NSS Co-Ordinator, NSS Members, and 37 NSS volunteers participated in this programme.
The team cleaned the area around the bus stop including the main road and the parking area. They also cleaned surrounding areas to avoid mosquito generation that leads to the spread of diseases. The programme inspired some of the villagers to join NSS and contribute to social service.
The NSS motto is ‘Not Me but You’, which reflects the spirit of selfless service and social responsibility. The NSS aims to develop the personality of students through community service and make them responsible citizens of India. Cleaning drives are one of the many initiatives that the NSS undertakes to serve the society and nation. The programme was a learning experience for the NSS volunteers as they gained exposure to rural life and culture. It also provided an opportunity to hone their leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.