The NSS wing of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth (CVV) took up its first activity – campus cleaning drive – at Prajna Pratishthanam, the Warriam Road facility of CVV, on 08 November 2021. The students, accompanied by the faculty coordinators and other staff members gathered in front of the facility at 8.30 am and began the cleaning drive after signing the NSS song. The activity was concluded with NSS clapping.
The team consisted of the following members –
- NSS Coordinators Dr. Bindu M.P. (Assistant Professor, School of Ethics, Governance, Culture and Social Systems) and Dr. Nagendra Pavana (Assistant Professor, School of Vedic Knowledge Systems);
- Dr. Vinod R. R. (Assistant Professor and Head, School of Ethics, Governance, Culture and Social Systems),
- Sri. Anish P. S. (Assistant Director – Physical Education)
- Sri. Arunkumar S. A. (non-teaching staff)
- Arun K. S. (second-year MVoc)
- Dhanavendh Mavoothu, Deva Narayan J. and Pranav S. (second-year BBA)
- Revathy R.Nair, Krishnaveni Varma and Nandakishore T. S. (second-year BCom)
- Meenakshi Nair, Devangana Maneesh and Krishna Pravah K. (second-year BSc Applied Psychology)
- Sumimol Elias (third-year BA Applied Psychology)