Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth marked the prana pratishtha of the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya, with ‘Raghavotsav’ a spectacular celebration. The jubilation resonated across multiple campuses of CVV, captivating the active participation of faculty, students, and staff in a plethora of activities.
The morning at the Lalit Vidya Pratishthan in Onakkoor began with reverential rituals, including the soul-stirring chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama, followed by the recitation of the Ramayana and enchanting devotional songs. Special puppet shows, dances, and other cultural programs were organised to add an extra layer of cultural richness. The festivities seamlessly extended to all campuses.
Vice Chancellor Prof. Ajay Kapoor inaugurated the festivities at the Warriam Road facility by igniting the ceremonial lamp to signal the commencement of the celebration. A magnificent procession showcasing the coronation image of Lord Rama took centre stage, drawing the enthusiastic participation of faculty, students, and staff. Following the procession, the air resonated with enchanting Rama songs. The Warriam Road facility witnessed cultural programmes, including dance performances and a Ramayana Quiz.
The entire event from Ayodhya was telecast live on a large screen at all campuses and facilities, providing a panoramic view of the vibrant cultural and spiritual engagement of the university community.
At the Chinmaya Nada Bindu Gurukula campus, near Pune, the celebration took on a spiritual dimension with pujas and other rituals, complemented by special bhajans and artistic expressions presented by students across all campuses.
The culmination of the event witnessed the distribution of prasadam and cultural performances, fostering a profound sense of unity and joy among the university community. This event once again underscored the vibrant spirit of Chinmaya Vishwa Vidyapeeth and its unwavering commitment to integrating spiritual and cultural values into the academic environment seamlessly.