The Art of Storytelling

Exploring the Art of Storytelling

Chinmaya International Foundation presents a webinar on Exploring the Art of Storytelling, facilitated by Dr. Arundhati Sundar. The webinar in English will commence from 25th September, 2021. This interactive webinar aims at developing the storytelling skills of the participants and help them in becoming master storytellers.

Storytelling is an ancient art form, an entertainment at social gatherings, a bonding through shared memories in family circles, a celebration in festivals, an imaginative communication of wonders of the world, passing on the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of a culture from generation to generation. It is an essential skill for parents, teachers and Balavihar Sevika/Sevaks. Like any art-form, it can be developed and mastered. Through planned exercises, the aim is to equip the participants with the essential skills to become effective storytellers.

  • Focus on Skill development
  • Active, participative style
  • Be a part of the ancient parampara of storytellers
  • Connect to culture, reconnect to the inner child

Dr. Arundhati Sundar is passionate about connecting to culture through storytelling. She has conducted storytelling workshops for Balavihar Sevikas and Sevaks in several CM Centers in the US and Singapore and lately as an Adjunct Professor of Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth, an online Storytelling Course for the university students. She was a regular volunteer storyteller in primary schools, public libraries and festival events for 20+ years in US and an active participant in the Storytellers Circle of the Society for Reading and Literacy, Singapore. From 2011-15 she mentored Balavihar Sevaks in Singapore, creating course content for Balavihars. She is an Academic Outreach for CIF.


A stable internet connection that will allow you to participate over Zoom with your video on.

Age limit

18 years and above


Every Wednesday and Saturday (15 hrs – 2 intensive sessions)



Starting from

25th  September, Saturday, 2021


Wednesday – 5:00 to 6:30 PM IST

Saturday – 3:30 to 6:30 PM IST


₹ 3000 / US$ 85 (inclusive of 18% GST)


Call us on: +91 92077 11140

Email id:

Please note: You will be redirected to the CIF website to register.
